Why Choose Full Service Property Management?

Why Choose Full Service Property Management?

Valued at over $230 trillion, real estate investments are now the world's largest asset class. It's one of the most entrepreneurial fields. However, the best property owners don't manage their assets alone.

Consider hiring a full-service property management company to become a successful real estate investor. The best property managers can maximize your earning potential and minimize your workload.

Not convinced you need property management services? Read on to discover why you need real estate investing help today!

Smarter Real Estate Investing

Rely on your property managers to make smarter real estate investing decisions. For example, they can help you complete a rental analysis. Failing to consider current market trends could cause you to set the wrong rental rate.

If your rates are too high, you'll start scaring away potential renters. Your vacancy rate could increase. A high vacancy rate can cost you thousands of dollars of potential revenue monthly.

Setting the rental rate too low will cause you to lose money. You need to consider similar properties and market trends in Lynnwood before setting your prices. Experienced property managers use the latest technology and industry resources to set effective prices.


Your property management team will protect your investments. They'll schedule routine inspections to catch small issues with the property before they get worse.

If you wait too long to complete maintenance tasks, the property will crumble. A well-maintained property has a better chance of attracting renters.

Rent Collection

Choose a property management company that uses state-of-the-art technology. They can streamline processes to save you time and money. For example, renters can start automating rent payments through an online portal.

You won't have to knock on doors to collect rent. If a tenant is late, the portal will automatically charge a fee.

Legal Compliance

Experienced property management teams can help you remain compliant. They'll track new local, state, and federal housing laws. Neglecting to remain compliant can lead to legal trouble and fines.

Market Homes for Rent

Your property management company can market your Lynnwood properties. They'll increase your chance of attracting renters by:

  • Cleaning the property
  • Staging the property
  • Hiring a professional photographer
  • Using traditional and digital strategies

They can optimize your real estate listings to make them more attractive to renters. Without a marketing strategy, your properties could sit vacant.

Screen Applicants

Choose a company that has a tenant screening process developed. If you choose to do it yourself, you could gather inaccurate reports.

Comprehensive reports can help you choose reliable renters. You can avoid tenants with a history of evictions or late rent payments.

Improved Tenant Relations

The most experienced property managers know how to keep tenants happy. Improving tenant-landlord relations can boost satisfaction rates. Happy tenants are more inclined to agree to lease renewal terms.

Trust Full-Service Property Management

Managing your Lynnwood investing properties alone can become time-consuming and stressful. Instead, trust your full-service property management company. Relying on their expertise can help you thrive as a real estate investor.

Our team at PMI Brewder Realty has 20 years of experience perfecting and changing the real estate management industry. Rely on our award-winning strategies and state-of-the-art technology.

We can maximize your earning potential. Contact us today to meet your property manager!
